Sarah's Law

On December 22nd, 2009 a precious little girl was taken from her home; it came as no surprise that the monster charged with her kidnapping was a repeat sexual offender.  Sadly, three days later, on Christmas afternoon, the badly burned body of missing 11-year old Sarah Haley Foxwell was found. 
It's time that we do everything we can to protect our children; our justice system failed us - they failed Sarah.  We need to take our neighborhoods, our parks, our schools, our State and our Nation back from these criminals!  We can start by petitions like this and holding discussions with our legislatures about changing the laws to keep these rabid animals locked up, removing them from society and using the death penalty.  The moment these criminals took the rights away from their victims, is the moment the criminals lost their rights! It's time our children played outside again without fear, it's time we tucked our babies in bed knowing that they will STILL be there in the morning.  It's time that these animals fear and face harsh punishments for their crimes.  It's time to turn our distress, anger and disgust into the "Sarah's Law" so that no more children have to endure what she did.

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