Lobster Claw Machine Protest

By signing this petition you agree that the Lobster Claw Machine is inhumane. What is the lobster claw machine? The lobster claw machine is one of those arcade claw machines-- yet it has live lobsters in it. These lobsters suffer in this tank for 3-4 months with out getting fed. Either they're boiled alive or die of starvation or disease. It is made by The Lobster Zone. (Link above @ Lobster Claw Machine) PETA has protested against this. It is two dollars to try to grab one of these poor crustaceans. If you catch it, they'll cook it for you for free. This is a very inhumane game, yet what's worse is that people actually find a game in torturing animals. So please join! Also Join our Google Group, Facebook Page and/or our Yahoo! group. All of the people who join any of these groups or sign this petition will help our cause! Join Today! :-)

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