It is OUTRAGEOUS! Make Denmark STOP!

While it may seem incredible, even today this custom continues, in Dantesque - in the Faroe Islands, ( Denmark ). A country supposedly 'civilized' and an EU country at that. For many people this attack to life is unknown%u2013 a custom to 'show' entering adulthood. It is absolutely atrocious. No one does anything to prevent this barbarism being committed against the Calderon, an intelligent dolphin that is placid and approaches humans out of friendliness.  
WHAT A SHAME, A SAD SCENE! THERE IS NO WORSE BEAST THAN MAN! Make this atrocity known and hopefully stopped!

Dear G8 Sir,

For many people this attack to life is unknown%u2013 a custom to 'show' entering adulthood. No one does anything to prevent this barbarism being committed against the Calderon, an intelligent dolphin that is placid and approaches humans out of friendliness.

We have no power to save this beautiful creature, but all of you have that. Please save our beautiful world for our future generation.
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