Increase Penalties for Crimes Against Animals in Canada

Hello to All,
After recent events in the local news, I have decided to create a petition that asks for stiffer and stronger penalties for crimes that have been committed against animals in Canada.
I think with the recent news of the horrific events of the Sled Dogs in Whistler, BC it is a good time as any to step up, stand up and let our voices be heard that we are not a society that will put up with such abuse, neglect and pain against animals of any sort.
My goal is to reach at least 10,000 signatures and then send these signatures in to our local, provincial and federal governments asking them to revise and create penalties for those convicted of animal abuse/neglect/crimes.
So I ask you to please take a moment, add your signature (no threats or profanity please) and pass it along to friends and get the ball rolling and show are fellow Canadians and Animal lovers throughout the world that we will not put up with this anymore!
Thank you :-)
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