Help the Starving Lipizzaner Horses at Vucijak Farm, Bosnia

90 Lipizzaner Horses at Vucijak Farm in Bosnia are being kept in appalling conditions, suffering from starvation and fatigue. The horses are dying. These horses need our help urgently. Three foals have already died due to starvation and conditions at the farm more are expected to die in the days to come. Information about this appeal, why this is happening, reports, updates and documents are here:
Also here:
NOA website here:

After war broke out in Yugoslavia in 1992, Vucijak farm, once an international breeding centre, has not received the support of the state. The farm is owned by City Hall Prnjavor and Government of Republika Srpska, but neither of these bodies are concerned for the welfare of the animals in their care.  The farm is falling down, the workers are unpaid, on strike, and not taking any care of these once majestic animals.  Outside groups have tried to help, but funds raised for the horses have disappeared into the local administration.  Nothing has been spent on the horses.  This situation has now been taken up by NOA, Bosnian animal welfare organisation.  In order to make a real difference, NOA needs the support of the state, preferably financially, but if not, then by allowing them the freedom to operate and rehabilitate the animals as they see fit.
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