Grant For MLT/CVAT Research

Note: message at the bottom of the picture says~ 

We are children with MLT/CVAT. 

You are people who can help us. 

Will you?  Please sign! 

 I am asking for everyone's help! 

 The doctor's in Wisconsin are trying to get a grant for MLT/CVAT research, specifically on the role of platelets and lymphatic vessels. We desperately need answers and are praying for a cure.

 If you have a few minutes to write a quick letter of support that would be greatly appreciated as well as needed. If you have witnessed first hand how horrible this disease is by seeing Jadyn at her worst, please write a letter. The deadline for the grant is quickly approaching, so a expedited turn around on the letters would be necessary. Dr. Duffy apologized for not giving us more notice however, she just thought of the idea of adding the letters. Letters of any kind are welcome, be it via email to, fax (414-456-6518), or mail (Kelly Duffy, Pediatric Dermatology, Medical College of Wisconsin, 8701 Watertown Plank Road, Milwaukee, WI 53226). In order to include them with the application she will need them by the morning of October 13.

 Please read a short summary of Jadyn's life and sign this petition. Please show your support for Jadyn & the other kids.

 Jadyn is four years old. She has a very rare vascular anomaly Multifocal
Lymphangioendotheliomatosis with Thrombocytopenia (MLT). There is approximately thirty cases of this worldwide, also known as CVAT. Jadyn's lesions are located in her gi tract, and frequently cause massive hemorrhaging.

 She has had over 300 blood transfusions. She has had major life threatening complications from the drugs. She has had fourteen surgeries. Jadyn has spent over five hundred days of her life in the hospital.

 Despite all of what she has been through, she loves life and has a sweet and sassy personality as big as this world! She is amazing! She is our little miracle baby over and over again! She is truly a Beautiful Angel sent from God.
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