End Chemical Spraying By Unknown Aircraft In Canada

Since the mid 90's there has been a disturbing occurrence in the skies above us. Unidentified aircraft are leaving plumes of what seems to be exhaust but does not dissapate as quickly as normal airplane exhaust. Normal condensation trails disappear within minutes but these other trails last for hours and spread out over a wide area. Inquiries to government have resulted in a very limited and unsatisfacory response. Please inform yourselves by going to http://www.willthomas.net/Chemtrails/index.htm & http://www.carnicom.com/contrails.htm or see this important video at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i3_tCNg-Ijw
Please sign petition in hopes of getting results on stopping this assault on our health.
To All Honourable Members of Government in Canada,
We, the undersigned, are asking the Government of Canada to investigate the possiblility that dangerous chemicals are being sprayed into the upper atmosphere by unidentifiable aircraft. These trails do not look nor behave like conventional condensation trails normally left by aircraft and no one seems to want to explain what this is. We ask that the government test the air in areas where this spraying is going on to determine the toxicity of these trails. Should the government find that the trails contain material dangerous to human health, they should move immediately to have this process stopped to protect  the Canadian people.
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