Dog rapist

Laszlo Arsenio Horvath should receive the maximum punishment..
Read his story below. 

Accused Orange County dog rapist: "I was lonely"

An Orange County man accused of raping his dog could be getting out of jail soon. A judge set bail for 21-year-old Laszlo Arsenio Horvath (pictured) at $1,000.

The arrest affidavit for Horvath says animal services got a tip from a caller that the young man was abusing his dog at his home on Darlin Circle near Bithlo. An officer caught up with Horvath and told him to take the dog, an 8-year-old Whippet named Silvy, to a veterinarian.

Investigators say Horvath did take Silvy to a clinic, but then refused to get her medical help when he found out how much it would cost. He then turned Silvy over to the vet and left. The doctor determined the dog's internal and external injuries were too severe and euthanized the dog.

Deputies say when they asked Horvath why he had sex with his dog, he became emotional and said "I was lonely." He said he sexually abused her at least 6 times.

A judge put Horvath on home confinement but prohibited him from having any contact with any domestic or farm animals
Regarding the case of Laszlo Arsenio Horvath.  Case # 09-MM-0009415-0.We, the undersigned, wish to express our outrage at the cruel and sadistic actions of this man and so many others in our community.As statistics prove, these people often move on to rape, abuse and murder of children.It's time we send a message that this will not be tolerated in a civilized society.This man should receive the maximum penality.People from around the world have looked and this case and voiced their horror and disgust.Please get this petition to the court and anyone that can help us get across our dismay that the court systems send these  people back in to society with a slap on the wrist.Thank you very much for your concern and consideration.
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