A Call for AS at UCSD to uphold their Vision Statement
We, the students, faculty and members of the UC San Diego community, call on the AS at UCSD to uphold their Vision Statement, which states, "We will represent a diverse but unified voice, provide support for those within our community, and focus on the issues that directly affect the people with whom we have the responsibility to serve." The Palestinian-Israeli Conflict is one which directly affects students, faculty and community members on both side of the issue at the University of California, San Diego. Since there is not a unified voice in our community in regards to this conflict, we call on the AS at UCSD, in order to ensure that no student, faculty or community member at the University of California, San Diego feels alienated, to not support any resolution that is either Pro-Israel or Pro-Palestinian unless it is agreed upon by both parties.
We, the students, faculty and members of the UC San Diego community, call on the AS at UCSD to uphold their Vision Statement, which states, "We will represent a diverse but unified voice, provide support for those within our community, and focus on the issues that directly affect the people with whom we have the responsibility to serve." The Palestinian-Israeli Conflict is one which directly affects students, faculty and community members on both side of the issue at the University of California, San Diego. Since there is not a unified voice in our community in regards to this conflict, we call on the AS at UCSD, in order to ensure that no student, faculty or community member at the University of California, San Diego feels alienated, to not support any resolution that is either Pro-Israel or Pro-Palestinian unless it is agreed upon by both parties.
Thank you for your time for reading this petition, and please represent those who elected you to do so.
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