I believe that a small change in habits can lead to a big change in the world. So here's a simple idea that could make a big difference to the health of our planet.

Please help me convince Microsoft Corporation to change the default margin settings in their Microsoft Word software.

The default margins for Microsoft Word are set at 1.25" on each side. According to the good people on the Microsoft Help line, there is no technical reason for this. It's merely a convention we have all gotten used to. Documents will print just as easily if you change the margins to .75" on each side. If you do so, you'll fit more text on each page...saving paper...saving trees...creating less waste. A nice side effect? You'll also save some money!

Of course, the goal is to get as many people change their margins as possible, which means making it as easy as possible to do. We can all change our margins individually each time we print a document, but let's be honest - we're all just a little lazy.

So let's make Going Green as convenient as possible. If Microsoft Corporation changed their software so that the default margins for Microsoft Word were set to .75", you wouldn't have to even think about it. One easy fix, one big change, one step to a healthier planet.

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