Call for Changes to SiriusXM Left station-IDs/ads

We the undersigned are loyal subscribers and regular listeners to SiriusXM Left.  We hold various leftist/liberal/progressive political viewpoints and are very concerned about how those viewpoints are portrayed in the advertising and station-IDs for SiriusXM Left, a satellite-radio channel we believe is an important and supportive resource for strengthening and advancing our political beliefs and actions.

Currently, if any sound-bite is used in an on-air ad or station-ID for SiriusXM Left, it invariably is something taken from one of President Obama's recent speeches, press-conferences, etc.  President Obama, however, is not the sole spokesperson or representative of the U.S. left/liberal/progressive poltical movement.  In fact, many of us have come to believe that President Obama does not wish to represent our viewpoints in any significant way on any significant issues (war/international-relations, the economy, taxation, education, civil rights/liberties, healthcare, etc.)

Therefore, we propose using a new collection of sound-bites that still may include the occasional appropriate Obama quotation but, more importantly, would be expanded greatly to include many more statements issued by various well-known (and perhaps some not-so-well-known) activists/speakers/leaders from the U.S. left/liberal/progressive section of the political spectrum, both past and present.  A list of such figures could include (but certainly not be limited to) the following:

Grace Lee Boggs, Cesar Chavez, Noam Chomsky, Ron Dellums, Fannie Lou Hamer, Cheri Honkala, Martin Luther King, Ron Kovic, Harvey Milk, Michael Moore, Bob Muller, Pete Seeger, Cindy Sheehan, Shirley Sherrod, Studs Terkel, John Trudell, Maxine Waters, Cornel West, Malcolm X, Howard Zinn, etc.

Brief, insightful comments from listeners/callers to the various SiriusXM Left programs could be included, as well.  Sound-bites also could be created from various pop-culture sources, incorporating audio clips from films, television programs, popular songs, etc. that express a leftist/liberal/progressive point of view.  This way, the SiriusXM Left channel would have access to a large catalog of on-air ads/station-IDs that truly would represent the broader spectrum of left/liberal/progressive politics that we listeners usually hear on SiriusXM Left.

If you support our call, please sign this petition now.  For more information, please e-mail  Thanks!

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