On October 3rd at 1pm people from all over the World will gather in order to raise awareness and ask Governments to create Stronger Laws against Animal Abuse.

We, the under signed, strongly request stricter laws/penalties against animal abuse and animal cruelty. Animals deserve protection against abusers. The GOVERNMENT should start to give these innocent creatures this protection! We beg you Stop talking and promising and start acting!
Unacceptable animal abuse is taking place in Our Country. We urge you to set an example and make the laws against animal abusers much stricter.
Scientifically it has been proven that animal abuse is just the beginning.
People who abuse and torture animals are also capable of torturing and abusing humans - so please act now before it is too late!
Abusers need to know this sickening behaviour is not acceptable!

We ask:

Why doesn't the GOVERNMENT take proper action against animal abusers?

We ask:

How can the GOVERNMENT just stand by and let this go unpunished?

Make Laws Against Animal Abuse STRICTER.

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