Bring Joel Home

Joel, a starved and abused pitbull, was fostered by Dr. Suzanne Fiala in Seattle for a rescue org called Dogs Deserve Better.  Joel weighed 27# and was near death, barely alive. With the love and support of Dr. Fiala and her family, Joel survived and thrived; he had found his forever home.
But after Dr. Fiala blew the whistle on questionable financial and ethical activities by Dogs Deserve Better, their reps walked into Joel's doggie daycare in Seattle and "reposessed" him. 
DDB sites 'invalid adoption contract' that has somehow mysteriously been altered, and claim that Dr. Fiala planned to chain Joel, the same precious dog she rescued!  Really?  Then why did DDB trusted Dr. Fiala to foster 11 of their dogs between October and February, and had nothing but praise for her? That is, until she raised concerns about their activities and became a whistleblower.
Joel has not been seen since his seizure on April 14, and sent a highi-priced lawyer after Dr. Fiala in an attempt to keep her quiet.
Dr. Fiala just wants Joel back. 
Help us bring justice for Joel, and return him to the family he loves and trusts.
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