Ask Gov. Fortu駉 to Install 1,000 Bike Racks in Puerto Rico

Puerto Rico sorely needs bike racks so bicyclists may have safe places to park their bicycles, and so more people ride their bicycles as a means of transport.
P.R. is in dire need of more bicycle infrastructure.  Bicyclists in P.R. need places where they can park their bikes safely so they may use their bicycles more as a means of transport. 

We ask you to please use your power and influence as P.R.'s chief executive to call for and demand installation of 1,000 bike racks installed in the following places:

*La Fortaleza executive mansion
*El Capitolio
*All City Halls
*All public squares
*All government offices
*All public schools
*All balnearios
*All government museums
*All government parks
*All bus terminals
*All Tren Urbano stations
*All Police stations
*All campuses of the University of P.R.
*All government sports, arts and entertainment venues (e.g. coliseums, stadiums, theatres, etc.)
*All postal stations
*All government hospitals
*All government airports and seaports

Thank you for your prompt attention to our petition.
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