Sweetie, the dog I found @ the dumpster

We have all been given life, humans and non-humans.  Our hope is to die and be buried with dignity.  Well, this weekend this sweet dog did not get that dignity.  She was dumped off at a dumpster(not in the dumpster), she was put in 2-3 heavy duty trash bags and wrapped in a heavy blue blanket; not sure if she was taped up or she died of other causes.  She was dumped off at County Home Learning Center N183/ Balconies Drive(near Balconies Country Club). Was she abused?  Did anyone love her?  If someone did love her why did they dump her like trash, wait, they did not even take the time to put her in the dumpster.  I called AC and the police, unfortunately no-one could/would do anything for this poor dog.  Every entity had an excuse/reason.  This is sad for Travis County.  May this precious dog rest in peace.

The Detective is dismissing this case as just a decomposing animal.  She feels the someone's dog died over the weekend and they did not have any where to take her and Animal Control would not pick-up until Monday; so they dumpted her at the dumpster.  I don't feel that is case, I think there is more to this and the detective is just passing this poor dog by.

In the sweltering heat, Vicky McCauley says she stumbled upon the remains of an animal between a Goodwill store and the Balcones Country Club in northwest Austin earlier this week. As temperatures were soaring past 100, McCauley says someone brutalized the dog, cutting it open and leaving it for dead not far from a dumpster along Balcones Club Drive.

"Back in this area. I would be concerned, because if this is a dog they did that to, what about a child," McCauley said Friday night. "What if it was your pet?"

McCauley says she contacted Austin Police and was not satisfied with the amount of investigation being conducted. She is now trying to alert neighbors and anyone else who will listen.

"This is not okay. I think that Austin, Texas really needs to wake up. People are going 'oh, it won't happen to me', or 'it won't happen in my neighborhood'. It happens," McCauley says.

The reward, she and PETA, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, is for hoping that somebody will come forward and give them some information.

You are urged to call Austin Police with information.
KLBJ did this interview for Sweetie and Vicki Mccauley
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