100 Steps - Enforce the Agreement

I am writing to ask you to insist that the City enforce its agreements with Developers. In exchange for granting the zoning board variances that allowed The Cliffs apartments at 100 Paterson Avenue to be built, its developer, Brass Works Urban Renewal, LLC, agreed to build the "100 steps". The "100 steps" will connect Ogden Avenue to the base of Mountain Road, and make the pedestrian trip between the Heights and the Light Rail and Hoboken safer and easier.

A written developer's agreement was entered into between Brass Works and the City of Jersey City on August 11, 2005 and the zoning board resolution stipulated that the Steps are to be built at the "sole cost and expense" of the Developer.  While the luxury rentals at The Cliffs are fully occupied, the promised benefit to the community has not been constructed.

The benefits of the 100 Steps include the following:

- Easier access to those living above the cliffs to New Jersey Transit's 2nd Street Light Rail station
- A clear, well lit, and safe option to walk to Hoboken or the Heights during night time hours
- Provide individuals living below the Palisade Cliff's better access to businesses and parks in the Heights

Five years have passed, the developer occupies the building with only a temporary certificate of occupancy, but there is no penalty for not having constructed the Steps or foregoing a Final Certificate of Occupancy. The City needs to enforce its agreements. Instead, it held a ground breaking ceremony right before the 2009 Mayoral and Council election promising completion by the end of 2009 but construction has not begun.

I demand the City take immediate action to enforce this agreement so the benefits of the 100 Steps are realized by the local community!

I am writing to ask you to insist that the City enforce its agreements with Developers. In exchange for granting the zoning board variances that allowed The Cliffs apartments at 100 Paterson Avenue to be built, its developer, Brass Works Urban Renewal, LLC, agreed to build the "100 steps". The "100 steps" will connect Ogden Avenue to the base of Mountain Road, and make the pedestrian trip between the Heights and the Light Rail and Hoboken safer and easier.

A written developer's agreement was entered into between Brass Works and the City of Jersey City on August 11, 2005 and the zoning board resolution stipulated that the Steps are to be built at the "sole cost and expense" of the Developer.  While the luxury rentals at The Cliffs are fully occupied, the promised benefit to the community has not been constructed.

The benefits of the 100 Steps include the following:

- Easier access to those living above the cliffs to New Jersey Transit's 2nd Street Light Rail station
- A clear, well lit, and safe option to walk to Hoboken or the Heights during night time hours
- Provide individuals living below the Palisade Cliff's better access to businesses and parks in the Heights

Five years have passed, the developer occupies the building with only a temporary certificate of occupancy, but there is no penalty for not having constructed the Steps or foregoing a Final Certificate of Occupancy. The City needs to enforce its agreements. Instead, it held a ground breaking ceremony right before the 2009 Mayoral and Council election promising completion by the end of 2009 but construction has not begun.

I demand the City take immediate action to enforce this agreement so the benefits of the 100 Steps are realized by the local community!
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