Rebuilding The World Trade Center (NYC Twin Tours)

Rebuild the Twin Tours and our World Trade Center to demonstrate revitalized unity, strength, freedom, and democracy in the United States of America.

The new design will be a living monument for the victims victims of the September 11, 2001 tragedy for all to see with their names engraved at the base of the magnificent structure.

Sign Now, and Rebuild America's Spirit!

We, the citizens of the USA, including friends across the world, hereby request that President Bush and all representatives make it a high prority to reconstruct the World Trade Center in the same location, in defiance of the forces which wish to harm us.

Added technology and protection should be incorporated in the design to ensure the safety of all within. One such idea is that the two towers be side by side with numerous walkways between them, approximately every 20
stories. It would symbolize a ladder, paying tribute
to firefighters who perished trying to save lives and to the dreams that we can achieve with determination..."the sky is the limit". The walkways, as previously mentioned will also allow for more exit possibilities in the event of an emergency.

    Within the design, we ask:
  • for 11 additional floors, constructed as a memorial to those who passed on 9.11.01;
  • for part of this memorial be a museum dedicated to a future of peace and harmony for all man/womankind in this small world;
  • that our children, for years to come. will come to marvel at the view from 11 additional upper floors, without fear, knowing that they are part of a caring nation and a peaceful world;
  • that part of the 11 floor memorial be established as a center where people of all religious and ethnic backgrounds may come to the top and pray for peace;
  • that the wealthy nations open their hearts and help nations and their people across the globe so that they might be able to enjoy and respect this new dream for America and all humanity.

We ask this in the name of Peace on Earth and Good Will for All.
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