Stop the Siezure and Violent Police Invasion Of Six Nations Land in Caledonia!

  • by: Joelle Clark
  • recipient: Michaelle Jean,, Governor General, Canadian Goverment
We request that the Canadian Goverment imediately Remove all Police and Military
Presence in the Area of Caledonia and The Six Nations Reserve.
That all Six Nations Land be returned to its rightful owners and all development attempts cease now!
This Six Nations title to Haldimand land conflict is a product of fraudulent misrepresentation by the Ontario government.  It has affected both Indigenous People and those who have been fraudulently mislead into believing that they could purchase legal title to Six Nations land.  To uphold the honor of the Crown, the Ontario government should compensate the people for the land they stole from the Indians and turned over to Henco and its customers or remove themselves and Henco and its customers NOW!
Justice demands that The Canadian Goverment interfere and remove all Police and Military Presence from Caledonia,Ontario.
Allow The Six Nations to peacefully hold the land they have legal and moral title to!

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