Don't Let Big Business Skip Out On Their Taxes
More and more, politicians call on public employees and regular Americans to do their "fair share" to alleviate the budget burden America now faces, while some of the largest U.S. corporations use tricks and loop holes to avoid paying taxes.
Some of the most profitable companies in the United States are also some of the sneakiest. By funnelling money into offshore bank accounts or becoming incorporated offshore, corporations are able to pay as little taxes as possible or avoid them altogether. One corporation claimed that the billions in profit they earned in 2009 was all overseas, allowing them to claim a net loss in the U.S. and therefore receive a tax refund.
It is time for corporations that do business in the U.S. to do their fair share, just like the rest of us. Join us in asking the U.S. Congress to reform corporate tax laws and close the loop holes that cost America hundreds of millions in tax revenue.
Across the country, thousands of Americans are barely getting by while many of the programs in place to help them are shut down or severely limited due to budget cuts. While public employees and regular citizen are being called on to contribute their "fair share" to the budget deficits, some of the most profitable U.S. corporations are using tricks and loop holes to avoid paying U.S. taxes. Every year, the U.S. loses hundreds of millions that could be used to save programs like Social Security and education because corporations don't do their "fair share" as well.
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We must close the tax loop holes that allow corporations to operate within the U.S. without contributing like the rest of us. I urge you to force those companies to do their part by reforming the current corporate tax laws.
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