We the undersigned respectfully request that governmental and non-governmental agencies at all levels involved in providing disaster relief incorporate animal rescue and sheltering into their plans.
Directed to: President George Bush and other local, state, and federal officials responsible for disaster relief; and the American Red Cross, the Salvation Army, and other non-governmental disaster relief agencies.
Whereas, pets are considered by most Americans to be part of their families, and
Whereas, one of the principle responsibilities of animal guardians is to provide for the safekeeping of their animals in an emergency, and
Whereas, many people die in disasters because they will not abandon their animals, and
Whereas, animal neglect is illegal,
We the undersigned respectfully request that governmental and non-governmental agencies at all levels involved in providing disaster relief incorporate animal rescue and sheltering into their plans.
Humane Organizations have developed emergency preparedness resources for animal guardians. Many humane organizations have teams prepared to assist with the animal rescues inherent in a disaster. We ask that agencies concerned with providing human relief in a disaster include organizations skilled in animal rescue and relief in all aspects of preplanning and implementation.
Never again do we want to see "the authorities" blocking rather than enabling animal guardians and relief agencies trying to do the right thing.