Justice for Gustavito the Hippo

  • by: Andrew M
  • recipient: Justice Minister Mauricio Ramirez Landaverde

NOTE: The petition text has been updated to reflect recent news.

The National Zoo of El Salvador is supposed to be a refuge to its more than 600 animals. An oasis in the heart of the city where both young and old can get away and connect with some of the other living creatures that roam our planet. But last week this oasis turned into a nightmare when zoo authorities claimed that one of its most beloved animals had been brutally and senselessly beaten. A few days later he was dead.

However, after careful investigation by authorities prosecutors no longer believe Gustavito was killed by random attackers. Now they believe that it was zoo employees themselves that took such poor care of Gustavito that led to his death.

Whatever the cause turns out to be, Gustavito deserves justice. So we must continue to ask the government of El Salvador to do what is right and prosecute those responsible.

This crime cannot go unpunished. Please join me in asking Justice Minister Mauricio Ramirez Landaverde to find those responsible and bring them to justice.

Dear Mauricio Ramirez Landaverde, Justice Minister;


I, along with thousands of others around the world, are saddened to learn of the senseless death of Gustavito. Together we ask you to find those responsible and ensure they are punished appropriately. Together we can set an example and ensure that animal cruelty will not be tolerated.


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Update #27 years ago
NOTE: The petition text has been updated to reflect recent news: https://goo.gl/MRojb6
Update #18 years ago
In recent days news has come out indicating that prosecutors believe Gustavito died of poor care at the zoo not from a brutal attack : https://goo.gl/MRojb6
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