Australia: Make a Serious Commitment to Save the Great Barrier Reef!

  • by: Julie S.
  • recipient: Malcolm Turnbull, Prime Minister of Australia; Josh Frydenberg, Minister for the Environment and Energy; Dr. Steven Miles, Minister for Environment and Heritage Protection and Minister for National Parks and the Great Barrier Reef

The worst bleaching event in history has devastated the Great Barrier Reef this year. One of the seven wonders of the natural world, the Great Barrier Reef is the largest living structure on Earth and supports more than 9,000 species of marine life. Tragically, bleaching has killed 67% of coral in the northern third of the Great Barrier Reef, and 22% or more of the entire reef.

An article published in the Guardian reported that despite the rapidly deteriorating health of the reef, the Australian government has not committed to any new actions nor increase of spending to aid in its recovery. There has been no attempt to address climate change - although the government acknowledges it as the primary cause of the bleaching. Plans to build one of the world’s largest coal mines only 200 miles from this fragile ecosystem demonstrates Australia’s irresponsibility in regard to mitigating global warming and saving the reef.

The reef faces additional risks as a result of runoff from farm and lawn chemicals. Queensland environment minister Steven Miles admits there is “a long way to go” until changes will be “enough to actually have an impact on water quality.”

According to a government study, $8.2 billion is needed to significantly improve water quality. Yet the government is spending only $2 billion, and much of that money is directed into other avenues such as maritime safety.

As a worldwide community, we must protect the Great Barrier Reef from the fossil fuel and chemical industries. It would be such a tragedy to see this magnificent structure die in its entirety as a result of human infringement upon the environment. Please sign this urgent petition demanding that the Australian government makes a serious commitment to save the Great Barrier Reef - by allocating necessary resources, addressing climate change, and halting the development of the coal industry.

Photo courtesy of: Matt Kieffer

Dear Prime Minister Turnbull, Mr. Frydenberg, and Dr. Miles:

I am deeply distrubed that the Australian government has not taken new actions nor committed to an increase of spending to aid in the recovery of the Great Barrier Reef, despite devastation caused by worst bleaching event in history earlier this year.

I also disapprove of the government's failure to address climate change – although the government acknowledges climate change as the primary cause of the bleaching.

Plans to build one of the wolrd's largest coal mines only 200 miles from this fragile ecosystem demonstrates Australia’s irresponsibility in regard to mitigating global warming and saving the reef.

The reef faces additional risks as a result of runoff from farm and lawn chemicals. Although Queensland plans to impose stricter regulations on fertilizers in 2017, the government has admitted that drastic change is needed to significantly improve water quality.

According to a Queensland government study, $8.2 billion is needed to significantly improve water quality. Yet the government is spending only $2 billion, and much of that money is directed into other avenues such as maritime safety.

As a worldwide community, we must protect the Great Barrier Reef from the fossil fuel and chemical industries. It would be such a tragedy to see this magnificent structure die in its entirety as a result of human infringement on the environment.

I urge you to commit you to make a serious commitment to save the Great Barrier Reef - by allocating necessary resources, addressing climate change, and halting the development of the coal industry.

Thank you for your consideration.

[your comments]


[your name]

Update #27 years ago
We have received a positive response from a high-ranking Australian government official. The government recognizes the overwhelming support from people around the world in favor of protections for the Great Barrier Reef. Although the government is taking action to address climate change and protect the reef, we must continue to advocate for even more significant action. Please continue to share this petition - our voices are being heard!
Update #18 years ago
Thank you so much for signing this petition to save the Great Barrier Reef. Your signatures and comments have been delivered to Malcolm Turnbull, Prime Minister of Australia, Josh Frydenberg, Minister for the Environment and Energy, and Dr. Steven Miles, Minister for Environment and Heritage Protection. I will let you know of any developments on this issue. Thank you again!!
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