Bill A2906 "Responsible Pit Bull Ownership Licensing Act"

  • by: Heather Scanlon
  • recipient: Albio Sires, Speaker of the House, Assembly of the State of New Jersey
On October 10, A2906: The "Responsible Pit Bull Ownership Licensing Act"; was introduced and referred to the Assembly Agriculture and Natural Resources Committee. The bill authorizes municipalities to require a license for a person to own, keep or harbor a pit bull. Please see that this will have a wide spread impact on over burdened shelters and ACOs, and ultimately will not stop at banning one breed. We urge you to help get this ill-considered legislation withdrawn by signing this petition.
Dear Assemblyman Sires and Assembly of the State of New Jersey:

I oppose the above referenced, Bill A2906 as ill-considered and ineffectual legislation for the following reasons:
(1) Those unethical and inhumane pit bulls owners who fight their animals for sport and money do not pay taxes, own property, pay for liability insurance, nor do they license their dogs. This bill penalizes that part of the public who act responsibly and whose dogs are not in the news.
(2) Bill A2906 will make it nearly impossible for responsible pet owners to own a pit bull in the State of New Jersey. This sets a bad precedent among states nationwide.
(3) While this bill is meant to lull the public into a sense of security that the pit bull issue is being managed, it does nothing to stop the cycle of abuse and attacks. It is not the breed at issue, it is the "predatory" owners who are a threat to public safety.
(4) Breed profiling has no place in an enlightened society. Bill A2906 stigmatizes a breed already unfairly maligned and mistreated and highlights the sad lack of understanding and accurate information available about pit bulls. If this bill were to pass, it is likely that such breed specific laws will then become an acceptable standard. Ignorance of the issues and the breed does not justify bad legislation.
(5) New Jersey has several dangerous dog and dog fighting laws which address these issues with a more reasoned approach.
I urge every member of the Assembly to vote against Bill A2906. I am an individual who understands the breed, and am concerned about this.
Thank you for your time and attention to this matter.
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