Iran's Holocaust Denial

This is a petition to put a stop to Iran's insane leadership....AHMADINEJAD MUST BE STOPPED NOW to prevent him from poisoning goodwill amongst the people of the free world!  We cannot continue to allow this little menace with a giant ego to have free reign with his evil schemes.

A collective statement by Muslim bloggers to the Iranian regime about its Holocaust denial conference
We the following Muslim bloggers hereby affirm that the Holocaust did happen because, not only are we quite capable of understanding overwhelming historical evidence, we also refuse to allow Muslim leaders to twist history for cruel, personal and selfish gains -- thereby reflecting negatively upon us and the message of Islam -- without confronting their actions with the hammer of righteous indignation. For religious, moral, and historical reasons, we repudiate and spit upon the Holocaust deniers conference now taking place in Iran, and stand in solidarity with student, and other, anti-fascists in that great nation, along with the victims of the Holocaust itself.
We further castigate Mahmoud Ahmadinejad as an egomaniacal sociopath and incompetent world leader who has embarrassed the reputation and spiritual world of Islam with his political falsifications and distortions. His attempts to infiltrate the realm of Holocaust studies in order to focus on changing the situations of foreign nations while many of his people go hungry and are unemployed, is obviously a deranged policy.
We therefore beseech him to grow up and be a man by taking care of his own national family, instead of playing games that have no tangible outcomes. We will not tolerate the way he continues to embarrass his people and drag the entire nation of Islam down with him, while perpetuating cruelty upon another community and dirtying the teachings of the Prophet. If he thinks the free Muslims of the world will stand silently in the face of his callous rejection of logic and reason under the banner of Islam, he is in for a big surprise. Let our collective voices ring loudly and clearly that we reaffirm the right for Iranians to live in a nation whose leaders are not genocidal bigots. May Allah have mercy on Ahmadinejad's soul because, in the face of his systemic disregard for humanity, we the undersigned absolutely do not.
Myrtus, Muslim blogger at
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