Fight for Ocean Recovery – Add your call!

The UK seas are an incredible, dynamic ecosystem, that provide thousands of jobs, a sustainable supply of food, thriving communities, clean energy, awe-inspiring nature and so much more.
The ocean has absorbed over 90% of heat and almost a third of all carbon dioxide that humans have ever produced. Here in the UK, our coastal ecosystems are an unsung hero in climate and nature recovery.
What's the problem?
Right now, our once-powerful seas are being forgotten and are becoming fragile. The more carbon dioxide the ocean absorbs, the more acidic it becomes. Add to that over-fishing, pollution, coastal development and rising temperatures; the ocean is in crisis.
Current laws are failing to protect UK seas, and they are in serious trouble. In fact less than 1% of UK seas are properly protected. The ocean can be a hero, but only if we allow it to be.
What's the solution?
We need the next 10 years to be the turning point for our ocean, or we risk destroying them. We need the Government to commit this year to a 10-year UK Ocean Recovery strategy, that will halt the devastating decline of ocean health, maximise the potential of the ocean as a climate hero and set our ocean on the path to recovery.
Add your call to tell Environment Secretary George Eustice that you want the Government to recover UK seas.
We need urgent Ocean Recovery now! Time is running out..
I call on the Secretary of State for the Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, to publicly commit to a 10-year UK Ocean Recovery Strategy by June 2021.
This strategy must include:
• Restoration of our lost coastal and declining ecosystems in partnership with coastal communities
• Reductions in emissions in line with net zero to tackle the impacts of climate change
• Full protection for at least a third of UK seas by 2030
• Rebuilding our fisheries for the benefits of climate, nature and people
• Increasing investment in new forms of finance to fund ocean recovery
• Ambitious targets for ocean recovery agreed across the four UK nations
Add your call upon the UK Government to commit to putting UK seas on the path to recovery, allowing the UK to be leaders in global ocean recovery.
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