Protect America's Health from Global Warming Effects

Given the recent decisions to delay critical new standards on smog-forming ozone and global warming emissions, is the Obama administration putting industry interests ahead of the health of ordinary Americans?
According to a Wall Street Journal article, at a White House meeting where environmental and health advocates described a poll showing that a majority of Americans support EPA standards to protect our health, White House Chief of Staff Bill Daley replied "I don't give a [expletive] about the poll."
As the president's chief of staff, Daley should care more about the concerns of ordinary Americans. Nearly 70 percent of Americans want to see the EPA do its job to protect our health and environment from global warming and other harmful pollutants.
Tell White House Chief of Staff Bill Daley that you expect the president to stand firm in the face of industry pressure and meet his responsibility to protect the public's health and our environment from the dangerous effects of global warming.
SUBJECT: We need strong standards to curb global warming emissions
Dear Mr. Daley,
I am extremely disappointed that President Obama broke his promise to set a science-based standard for ground-level ozone--a primary component of smog--that's linked to serious lung diseases like asthma and a problem that will likely get worse in a warmer world.
Your comments will be added here]
I am also frustrated that the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has now twice delayed the release of its proposed standard to reduce global warming emissions from power plants. Playing kick the can down the road with EPA standards is a dangerous game. The longer we wait, the more at risk we are from climate change.
As the president's chief of staff, you should care more about the concerns of ordinary Americans.
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