Ohio: Stop the Dangerous Sale of Exotic Pets

  • by: Care2.com
  • recipient: Ohio Governor John Kasich
Update: On October 21, Governor Kasich announced a plan to enact stricter regulations on wild animals starting November 30. Sign the petition to make sure he keeps his word!

Keeping wild animals in captivity requires tremendously sophisticated and intensive care. Without knowledgeable trainers and huge amounts of space exotic animals like tigers, bears, and chimpanzees become stressed and can lash out at those around them, often fatally.

In 2010, young man in Northern Ohio was tragically killed by a captive black bear at a private menagerie, leading the former governor to enact an emergency ban on the sale of exotic "pets." But current Governor John Kasich allowed the ban to expire on April 6th, opening the door for further accidents and deaths.

Ohio is one of the only states in America that doesn't regulate private ownership of dangerous animals. This leaves both the animals, often kept in tiny concrete cages or behind rusted chain link fence, and the people living near them in tremendous danger.

Tell Governor Kasich that Ohio needs strong regulations of the exotic pet trade. He needs to act quickly to protect Ohio citizens and stop the terrible abuse of animals.
Governor Kasich,

Keeping wild animals in captivity requires tremendously sophisticated and intensive care. Without knowledgeable trainers and huge amounts of space exotic animals like tigers, bears, and chimpanzees become stressed and can lash out at those around them, often fatally.

In August 2010, Brent Kandra was mauled to death by a bear belonging to an exotic animal enthusiast in Northern Ohio. This tragedy could have been prevented if Ohio had strong regulation of dangerous animals kept by private citizens. Alarmingly, though, you allowed an emergency ban on the sale of exotic "pets" to expire on April 6th.

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Unless you act quickly to replace the emergency ban with strong and sensible regulations, there will only be more tragedies like Brent Kandra's death. Please, work quickly to enact strong and sensible regulation to protect exotic animals and keep Ohions safe.
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