Say NO to the TransCanada Keystone Pipeline!

  • by:
  • recipient: Secretary of State Hillary Clinton
The Department of State is responsible for issuing a permit for the proposed extension of an oil pipeline. The Keystone XL pipeline would carry tar sands oil straight across the Canadian border from Alberta and across the width of the United States to the Gulf of Mexico.

If built, this pipeline would pollute our air and water, contribute to climate change, and lock us into decades of further dependence on oil.

Tell the State Department that you oppose this pipeline and that they should deny the permit. We urge you to include your own stories about why fighting climate change is important to you, your family and your community.
Dear Secretary of State Hillary Clinton:

I am writing to express my deep concern about the proposed TransCanada Keystone Pipeline. If built, this pipeline would pollute our air and water, contribute to climate change, and lock us in to decades of further dependence on oil.

This pipeline will transport oil extracted from tar sands, one of the dirtiest sources of energy in the world, across America's heartland. This pipeline will carry dirty fuels that contribute to climate change even more than conventional oil. According to the most recent analysis used in your Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement, the greenhouse gas emissions from tar sands will be 17% higher than lighter crude over the life cycle of the fuels. There is overwhelming scientific evidence that a warming climate will mean devastating consequences for the global economy and human welfare.

We do have a choice. Instead of building a pipeline across America that will harm our environment and endanger our future, we can invest in clean energy solutions that are available today. New vehicles with better gas mileage are already using less oil and saving consumers money at the gas pump. I know your administration is committed to addressing the climate crisis and reducing our dependence on fossil fuels. With the next generation of vehicles and other clean energy technologies, we can reduce pollution, create millions of new jobs, and end our reliance on oil. No matter what, the impacts this pipeline would have on our climate are too clear and too strong to ignore.

Because of the devastating impacts of the pipeline that are detailed in your Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement, I strongly urge the Department of State to deny approval for this pipeline and support efforts to build a clean energy future.
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