Protect Journalists in Libya

  • recipient: Libyan Security Forces
Libya is not a safe place to be a journalist. Since the conflict erupted earlier this year, dozens of journalists have been detained, seriously injured, assaulted and even killed.

Muammar Gaddafi's security forces are targeting journalists in an effort to restrict the flow of information to the outside world.

In addition to using physical force and detainment against journalists, security officials are also restricting their travel, disrupting Internet service, jamming television signals and attacking news facilities.

The world needs to know what's happening in Libya, and journalists need to be able to report the news without fear of reprisal.

That's why we're calling on Libya to protect journalists.
Dozens of journalists have been detained, assaulted, seriously injured and killed in Libya in recent months.

I urge you to protect the safety of journalists in Libya and ease the restriction on the flow of information to the outside world. .
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