Protect Lochside Trail from becoming a truck route

  Mayor Jack Mar, Central Saanich Councillors, and the District of Central Saanich are planning to make amendments to Central Saanich Bylaw No. 1535.
If this amendment is to be passed it will result in changes to the current Truck Route Bylaw.
These changes would allow commercial truck traffic to leave the Patricia Bay Highway at Island View Road. They would then turn on to the Lochside Trail system. (At the Mitchel Farm Market) These big trucks with their semi-trailers would then be permitted to travel down Lochside Drive past the Model Airplane field and across Martindale Road. These large trucks will be rumbling through what we have come to love about this area of the Peninsula, peaceful farmland and quiet residential neighbourhoods.
This Bylaw amendment, if passed by Council will have an effect on anyone who has enjoyed a peaceful walk with their dog, a trail ride on their horse, a brisk training ride on their bicycles. If you have enjoyed bird watching or perhaps spent time admiring the model airplanes your experience will be changed. Enjoying a scenic drive through the farmland to pick up Veggies or fruit, a walk or jog through the valley will no longer be bring peace and tranquillity to our minds but rather will likely stress our hearts and rattle our nerves as we jump to the ditch when the semis blow past us.

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