Help Brown Pelicans in the Gulf
More than 800 dead and injured pelicans were found in the months following the BP oil disaster in the Gulf, and it's likely many more pelicans were never found.
Biologists remain concerned about the long-term impacts of the dispersed and submerged oil on the bird's food chain and nesting grounds. Scientists who study pelicans are also concerned about an additional threat to the bird -- habitat loss.
BP and the other oil companies responsible for the disaster will pay significant fines to the federal government for their recklessness, but it will take legislation from Congress to ensure these fines are used to help restore Brown Pelicans, and many more Gulf wildlife.
Take Action! Help protect the Gulf's brown pelicans by urging Congress to pass legislation to help restore the Gulf today.
SUBJECT: Use BP's fines to restore the Gulf!
Dear [Decision Maker],
The Clean Water Act fines resulting from the oil spill should be used to restore the Gulf Coast and the Gulf of Mexico. The RESTORE Act is a sensible piece of legislation that has strong public support and backers on both sides of the aisle.
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Please make passage of the RESTORE Act a priority.
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