Stop the Trade and Trafficking of Endangered Species Products in Washington

In 2012 alone, 30,000 African elephants were illegally killed for their tusks. In the last century, 97% of the world's tigers have disappeared. The illegal trade in endangered species products fuels this slaughter — and the pace of the killing is growing daily.
The U.S. has federal regulations banning the smuggling of critically endangered species, but without state penalties the trade continues unchecked. In Washington alone, there have been dozens of cases of endangered animals being traded. So far, powerful special interests have prevented legislatures and Congress from strengthening laws to protect these endangered species. But together, we can fight back.
The Save Animals Facing Extinction campaign, a first-of-its-kind ballot initiative in Washington, would criminalize trafficking of 10 threatened species that are rapidly facing extinction.
If passed by voters this fall, Initiative 1404 would protect the elephant, rhinoceros, tiger, lion, leopard, cheetah, marine turtle, shark, ray and pangolin. Violators would be slapped with a maximum penalty of five years in prison and a $10,000 fine.
This historic campaign in Washington could push other states to step up and strengthen their own laws to halt this deadly business. Take action now and show your support for the Save Animals Facing Extinction campaign. Together, we can stop the illegal trade in endangered species!
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