stop discriminating against pain patients becaus of criminals

  • by: ro r
  • recipient: all govt state houses and federal congress
please stop the war on pain meds and transfer it to war on abusers of pain med industry quit making restrictive laws infringing on the right of medical care for pain. start punishing those that abuse the pain med industry for personal gain. punish the abuser not the patient. if a doctor over prescribes put them in prison for 20 years and put thm to work in prison hospitals and if a patiant sells their meds they should be in prison along with the crack and heroin abusers. govt needs to sop making laws that infringe on and hurt the law biding citizen and increase the punishment of law breaker enough to deter them from committing the crime. no plea deals allowed. the over restrictive regulations need to be lifted because true pain sufferers are being reduced to nearly nothing more than a blobb of flesh and bones curled up somewhere because of those that have abused the pain industry and the govt regulation that have become over-restrictive and the lax punishment of those same lawbreakers. punish the abuser and permit the chronic pain sufferer to have their meds and also let them travel again the over regulation also prevents those with chronic pain the ability to travel because of the fear doctors have due to over bearing regulations --- expand the computer data base of pain med distribution and link it to state id and drivers license and each dr can have access to the data base before prescribing any pain medication
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