Tell Congress: Pass the Puppy Protection Act

  • by: ASPCA
  • recipient: Your U.S. Representative in Congress

Dogs kept in commercial breeding facilities (also known as puppy mills) suffer treatment that would be unthinkable for your family pet — but much of it is perfectly legal. Under current USDA regulations, dogs in federally licensed facilities may spend their entire lives in filthy, overcrowded cages stacked on top of one another without access to adequate veterinary care, food, water or socialization.

The Puppy Protection Act will make important, common sense improvements to the Animal Welfare Act's (AWA) low standards of care for dogs in these facilities. Among these improvements are the outlawing of cruel wire flooring and stacked cages, and minimum requirements for veterinary care, exercise and socialization.

Ensuring basic standards of care is just one piece of the puzzle in fighting the cruel, commercial puppy-breeding industry. But if passed, these increased standards will help improve the lives of dogs in our nation's puppy mills as the ASPCA continues to press for restoration of the USDA database of inspection records and for increased enforcement of the AWA.

Urge your U.S. representative to cosponsor the Puppy Protection Act. On behalf of our nation's vulnerable puppy mill dogs, thank you!

Subject: Please Cosponsor the Puppy Protection Act

Dear Representative,

As your constituent and a supporter of the ASPCA, I am writing you to ask you to please cosponsor the Puppy Protection Act, H.R. 2442, bipartisan legislation introduced by Brian Fitzpatrick (R-PA), Charlie Crist (D-FL), Guy Reschenthaler (R-PA) and Jim McGovern (D-MA) to improve the standards of care for dogs living in commercial breeding facilities. Currently, treatment that would be unthinkable for family pets is perfectly legal for dogs in USDA-licensed breeding facilities. These dogs can spend their entire lives on cruel wire flooring, in filthy and crowded stacked cages, without proper grooming, exercise or access to veterinary care. The Puppy Protection Act would help improve USDA's care standards. Animal protection is very important to me and I urge you to support and cosponsor the Puppy Protection Act. Thank you for your attention to this important issue.

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