Prime Minister Harper's recent budget bill plans to gut Canada's environmental laws and fast-track the approval process for tar sands pipelines. Harper wants to limit public participation in environmental assessments and roll back key protections for our environment.
What's more, Enbridge, Inc.'s proposed Northern Gateway pipeline is projected to bring more than 200 oil supertankers through some of the most dangerous waters on Earth. Kinder Morgan's proposal to twin its tar sands pipeline is projected to quadruple the number of oil tankers moving through Vancouver. Yet Harper's response is to limit debate and give the Minister of Natural Resources the final say, regardless of what the people want.
This Sunday, June 3rd, you have a unique opportunity to stand up against Big Oil's invasion of Canada in a virtual Town Hall meeting -- and show Harper we won't be silenced.
Sign up with your phone number and you'll receive a call to join the meeting on June 3rd from 4:00 to 5:00 EST, and you'll also receive updates from Greenpeace on how you can continue to make a difference.