Univ. of Louisiana -Demand Retirement of Hercules, Leo and All Primates

  • by: Sue Lee
  • recipient: Dean At University of Louisiana - Mary Farmer-Kaiser, Ph.D

The problem seems to continue where primates continue to be used in studies, testing and research and such is the case at the University of Louisiana and the New Iberia Research Center.  So many primates, especially chimpanzees continue to suffer in captivity despite all efforts and attempts to ensure this practice discontinues.

You can read the story of Hercules, Leo and other primates that continue to live in captivity at http://www.onegreenplanet.org/animalsandnature/urge-the-university-of-louisiana-to-retire-their-chimps/. One of the most infamous facilities of alleged animal abuse is the New Iberia Research Center that is run by the University of Louisiana in Lafayette.  They have both Hercules and Leo confined at their facility, refusing to retire them to a safe and healthy sanctuary.  It appears they may have been taken somewhere else but still live in distress.  It has been found that not only chimps but other primates have been held in such captivity for abusive and inappropriate reasons. 

Our efforts in this petition is to encourage the University to ensure that Hercules, Leo and all other primates are completely retired from the facilities involved and have them sent to safe, healthy and reputable sanctuaries.  You can help us in our efforts by signing and sharing this petition, speaking out as a voice for these poor, defenseless animals. 

Dean At University of Louisiana - Mary Farmer-Kaiser, Ph.D – Any and all primates should certainly not be part of testing and research.  We are strongly urging you demand full retirement of Hercules, Leo and all primates from the University of Louisiana and the New Iberia Research Center.  Retire these animals immediately, sending them to safe, healthy and reputable sanctuaries immediately where they can live out the rest of their lives with proper care and enrichment.

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