Sign this petition to assist in correcting a gross injustice against an innocent man. Former officer Patrick Bradford has served 20 years of an 80 year sentence for a crime he did not commit. In 1993 he was convicted of murder and arson based on an unscientific and faulty arson investigation and misconduct on the part of the prosecutor and investigative team. Patrick Bradford continues to be a political prisoner of war. Sign this petition to tell Vanderburgh County Prosecutor Nicholas Hermann that he will be held responsible for seeking true justice for Patrick Bradford and that he must conduct an honest review of the Bradford case.
We at Restore The Truth ask that you sign the petition if you support a review of this case. We realize that due to the strong misconceptions associated with this case that there are those-- especially locally-- who may choose to cling to the mistruths despite the evidence of Patrick's innocence, and we ask that if you disagree with this petition and what it stands for that you withhold your signature and any negative or invalid comment. Thank you.
We the undersigned believe that the 1993 murder and arson case against former officer Patrick Bradford, resulting in the conviction of said individual, was corruptly mishandled by the former prosecutor and investigative team. We are appalled at the sheer volume of inconsistencies in the case brought against Patrick Bradford and the level of manipulation that characterized the investigation and trial of this man. Though it has been nearly 20 years, Stan Levco's unethical methods have not escaped our attention. We know that the time of death listed on the victim's autopsy report exonerates Patrick Bradford, but at trial the medical examiner testified to an entirely different time of death--an 18 hour difference. We also know that the State's witness George Russell--whom Bradford saw while on patrol that night (alibi)--not only changed his original statement but was excused from a Class C felony a month after giving his perjured testimony. And let us not forget about "the door". The charred bedroom door was the only piece of definitive evidence left from the scene of the crime that was certain, in our decade of advanced fire analysis, to prove Bradford's innocence. We are aware that the door simply vanished from a secure evidence room, and even more telling is that Stan Levco was the last one to sign it out. We believe that you are not exempt from responsibility simply because this transpired under a former prosecutor and feel your duty is not to obtain and maintain convictions, but to pursue truth and justice no matter the cost. It is plainly obvious that there has been a miscarriage of justice in this case and we request that you move to have this case retried or take steps to have Bradford released from his sentence immediately. Thank you for reading our letter and considering our requests.
Concerned Citizens
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