Shark finning is the practice of catching sharks solely for their fins to make shark fin soup, an expensive delicacy in many Asian cultures. Fisherman, encouraged by high market prices, catch hundreds of thousands of sharks a day, then slice off their fins while they are still alive.
They often don't even bother with the rest of the fish. Instead, they toss it back into the water - suffering and in pain - to sink to the bottom and drown.Tell Congress to take action now. Tell them to reintroduce the Shark Fin Sales Elimination Act and pass it now.
According to the
Animal Welfare Institute (AWI), over 73 million sharks a year are killed for their fins alone. The high death toll is devastating their population. Some species are now on the
brink of extinction. This is nothing short of a wake-up call to do something now. Without sharks, the seas will die.Sharks have evolved to be the ocean's apex predator. They keep prey fish "populations healthier by going after the old, sick, and very young...and keep the population numbers of other species in proper balance."
And contrary to what you might think, a healthy shark population actually improves fishermen's harvest.Recognizing the importance of sharks and the danger the shark fin industry poses to our ocean's health, many American states have imposed bans on their sale, harvest, or import. Yet despite these bans, restaurants are still selling this deadly dish. A
WI's database counts more than 200 restaurants in the United States alone that are hawking shark fin soup.But there is a loophole to these state bans: restaurants can still get shark fins from neighboring states where selling shark fins is still legal. That's why a federal ban is so important.
Last year a bill was introduced to do just that. The bill would have made it illegal to possess, buy, or sell shark fins or any product containing shark fins" federally. Those in breach of the law will be in for serious criminal consequences. Unfortunately, the
Shark Fin Sales Elimination Act of 2019 was never passed.
That is unacceptable. This is a problem we must tackle to save this vital species. Time is running out, and Congress must act. Please sign the petition and tell Congress to take action now. Tell them to reintroduce the Shark Fin Sales Elimination Act and pass it now.