To: The Honourable Gordon Campbell, 
       Premier of British Columbia;
       The Honourable Michael de Jong,
       Attorney General for British Columbia     

We the undersigned do hereby call upon, the Honourable Gordon Campbell, Premier of British Columbia, and the Honourable Michael de Jong, Attorney General for British Columbia, to re-open the investigation into the death of Robert Dziekanski, involving the 4 RCMP officers at Vancouver International Airport.
We demand that an Independent Special Prosecutor be appointed to determine the matter in accordance with the Criminal Code of Canada.
We strongly believe that the previous RCMP investigation and Criminal Justice Branch Report was deficient and focused on finding evidence, which would blame the victim, Mr. Dziekanski.
It is time to stop blaming the victim and take an unbiased and independent look at all evidence.
We believe public confidence in the administration and repute of justice has been seriously undermined.
Justice must not only be done, but be seen to be done, on behalf of Zofia Cisowski and all Canadians.

Jurek Baltakis (Kamloops) Family Friend to Zofia Cisowski;
mailto:jerzybaltakis@hotmail.com  cell (250) 377-1489
B. William Sundhu (Kamloops) Human Rights Lawyer 
Friend to Zofia Cisowski, Legal Counsel to CCRM; 

tel. (250) 372-8811 email: bsundhu@catescarrollwatt.com
Zygmunt Riddle Przetakiewicz (Vancouver) Friend to Zofia Cisowski;
Canadian Civil Rights Movement www.civilrightsmovement.ca
zriddle@shaw.ca  cell (604)868-7070

Kamloops/Vancouver March 29, 2009

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