Protect Lynx in New Mexico

The U.S. government lists the lynx as "threatened" in neighboring Colorado as well as 13 other states but they have no federal protection in New Mexico.

Last year, Interior Secretary Ken Salazar refused to extend protection to the lynx to New Mexico, stating that he had "higher priorities." A lynx who wanders into New Mexico is at risk for instant slaughter.

Ask Secretary of the Interior, Ken Salazar to include New Mexico in the Federal Protection of the lynx

Ken Salazar

Secretary of the Interior
U.S. Department of the Interior
1849 C Street, N.W. / Washington DC 20240

The U.S. government lists the lynx as "threatened" in neighboring Colorado as well as 13 other states but they have no federal protection in New Mexico.

Last year, Interior Secretary Ken Salazar refused to extend protection to the lynx to New Mexico, stating that he had "higher priorities." A lynx who wanders into New Mexico is at risk for instant slaughter.

Ask Secretary of the Interior, Ken Salazar to include New Mexico in the Federal Protection of the lynx

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