Foxes have Families! Foxes have Friends! Foxes have Feelings!

    Hunting is a very popular sport and is a horrible one at that.

    Fox hunting is common in England, but is also a problem in the United States, of which I'm a part of. Fox hunters relentlessly chase foxes then corner them, shoot them and skin them. One of the worst parts of this is that the rest of the body isn't used! It's just left there. There are also differing hunters reports on fox hunting. One hunter states "[After cornering the fox.] When you look at it, it's fearful eyes pleading for mercy and then it realizes, you won't give it."

    I have a very personal connection to this issue because I identify as a Therian, specifically a grey fox. Therianthropy is a complicated topic (If you don't know, Google is pretty much correct), but most of the people in our community believe in reincarnation. I, also, believe in this. The most prominent memory of my past life is when my mate, Nixmi, was shot. I ran and then came back the next day to find Nixmi's bloody, skinless body. I was then shot through the head ruthlessly.

    I know that not everyone will agree with the thought of reincarnation, but it's a believe I hold dear to my heart. Foxes have Feelings! Foxes have Friends! Foxes have Families! So why must we butcher and destroy those families? This behavior must end. Please sign to try and make fox hunting illlegal in the USA!

    Update #120 hours ago
    I really just need to say that what Fernande F. said is absolutely beautiful. Thank you so much. And thanks to the rest of you for supporting this cause. I have no idea what to do after I get all my signatures but I'm ready to love and help. Thank you again.
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