Lidl, end cruelty towards chickens at your European supply chain!

  • by: Equalia NGO
  • recipient: Claus Grande Sanchez, Kenneth McGrath

A new investigative report shows the violence of some workers, who slaughter sick chickens by wringing their necks and hitting them against a bucket. These are the farming conditions at a large-scale poultry farm related to a supplier of the supermarket chain Lidl.

The video also reveals the unsanitary conditions in which the animals live. Images were recorded of an operator urinating inside the shed, birds living with the corpses of other chickens and cannibalistic behaviour. There are birds in agony, with infections, sick or with serious deformities that prevent them from moving and accessing food and water.

Genetic selection of broiler chickens focuses on growth at an accelerated rate with the aim of rapidly increasing muscle mass. Fast-growing chicken breeds are predisposed to serious congenital diseases that the industry refers to as "production diseases" and of which little is known to consumers.

SIGN TO DEMAND LIDL END THIS SUFFERING NOW by joining the European Chicken Commitment and put an end to the #LidlChickenScandal

Update #3about a year ago
Nearly a year on from the investigation which exposed the Europe-wide Lidl Chicken Scandal, investigators have revealed yet more appalling cruelty on further Lidl Germany supplier farms.

This is the SIXTH investigation linked to Lidl since 2022 and follows the release of undercover footage on Lidl supplier farms in Germany, Spain, Italy, Austria, and the UK.
Update #21 years ago
Our efforts to halt the #LidlChickenScandal is ongoing, and we appreciate your participation in demanding Lidl put an end to the suffering of chickens.

The findings of a new laboratory report conducted by the Albert Schweitzer Foundation indicate that 71% of the 51 chicken products from Lidl's own brand in Germany analyzed were contaminated with ESBL-producing bacteria, leading to antibiotic resistance.

Further information is available at
Update #12 years ago
Your signature is one of the almost 300K signatures demanding Lidl to end the suffering of chickens.

With +20 animal welfare organizations, Equalia have shown the supermarket chain that consumers are asking for more animal welfare. In fact, protests are taking place all over Europe as a result of the investigative reports published in Spain, Germany, Italy and Austria.

We keep working to put an end to the #LidlChickenScandal. Thank you for joining us.
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