Stop Tourism to Trophy Hunting Countries

  • by: Ivy K
  • recipient: 1000

Shame on you, countries that condone this.  These animals are your national treasures.  There are not too many left, do you not understand that?  Without these magnificent animals, you have nothing of value left for us to go to Africa for! Animals like these you cannot just make as easily as money.

So many of us are sickened by trophy hunting. The latest slaughtered is Xanda, Cecil's son.  We all remember Cecil who was also murdered 2 years ago.  They claimed that he was off the protected area.  One can bet he was also lured to where the cowards were waiting to kill him.

A few restrictions have not stop hunters for going after what they desire. The only way to stop all these self-centered rich killers is to make the countries that allow the murder of innocent beautiful creatures is to stop going there. These governments should understand that without tourism their economies would be doomed. Let's see if a few rich cowards can help them. One can bet that the money paid for the licenses do not all go towards the animals.

If we keep this up - negative publicity against these countries would surely have an effect sooner or later. No matter how we shame the hunters, most do not care what the rest of us have to say. Most of them thinks they are above all people or animals. They believe their money should allow them all their sick desires at the cost of everything and everyone.

Lets start today and continue till we get a positive attitude towards helping all animals in the wild thrive for the future generations to enjoy and appreciate. Not just for a few to play out their murderous fantasies.

Update #17 years ago
We cannot let this petition die. Let us try our best to see that the remaining animals are not going to face the same fate as all those already gone. Let's do this in memory of Cecile and Xanda.
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