Please Close Down/Raid Devonshire Poultry Ltd and Save all the Animals!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am very opposed to the unnecessary abuse and killing of animals for food. Factory farming is known for its cruelty, with chickens being kept in tiny cages, male chicks being gassed and/or ground up alive, the female chickens forced to lay eggs day in day out, the egg production taking its toll on their bodies, leading to their untimely, sometimes brutal deaths at slaughterhouses. Pigs, too, are kept in cramped, cruel conditions, forced to have litter after litter, with all of their babies being taken away. Some of the pigs are slaughtered at only a few months old, whilst the breeding pigs are slaughtered once they can no longer be used for breeding, after a lifetime of misery and suffering.
More relevant, broiler chickens are/were kept in intensive, probably cruel conditions, engineered/bred to put on unnatural amounts of weight, kept awake to keep them eating and putting on more weight, possibly so stressed out that they take it out on other chickens and slaughtered.
Devonshire Poultry Ltd may claim to be humane/certified but, if they are still sending chickens to slaughter unnecessarily, no matter how "humane" they might be, this is still absolutely WRONG. Besides, who knows what they might be hiding from us? Some RSPCA-approved farms have been found to have animal welfare breaches...
Please close down this horrible place and save all the animals. Please either re-home the animals to good, loving homes where they will NEVER be abused, killed or slaughtered/sent to slaughter unnecessarily and/or send them to good sanctuaries/rescues.
These chickens are broiler chickens, meaning that they would have been bred and/or engineered to put on unnatural amounts of weight, leading to great discomfort and suffering for them. However, at least if this place is shut down and the people barred from farming/being responsible for animals ever again and the chickens re-homed to good homes and/or sent to good sanctuaries, no more chickens or any other animals will be bred, engineered, abused, killed, slaughtered or sent to slaughter by these people and the chickens will get to experience loving-kindness and a (hopefully) much better life...
Thank you to the moon and back.
May you, everyone you know (both human and non-human), all the animals and people and all sentient beings everywhere be perfectly well, healthy, happy and safe forever.
Best Wishes to all,
Have the best day and night ever!

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