Bees play a central role in preserving our ecosystem. For years, however, many of the world's bee populations have died. The main reason is probably human.
Bees lose their orientation and can no longer look after the offspring:
Pesticides have devastating effects on the bee brain. Glyphosate kills bees and other animals and can cause cancer in humans.
Bees need flowers to survive.
The search for nectar brings the collectors on tour quite. The hard-working squads move away from the stick several kilometers away. Within a year, an entire bee colony travels an enormous distance: they circle the earth almost 900 times. A single bee flies far more than 2,000 flowers on its way to work. Every day anew!
We can all do something for bees and insects. We just have to get started. Best now! Each one of us can ...
... create space for wildflowers and stone the rock garden. We have already planted 10,131 flowering bushes, hedgerows and shrubs to help animals retreat and feed.
... let the lawn be more meadow
... colorful diversity instead of monocultures. We are involved with more than 300 producers in 27 insect protection regions.
...Just let the lawn grow
... plant a native, species-rich (wild) flowering world in your own garden or on the balcony (popular: sunflower, mallow, forget-me-not, lavender, white cabbage, etc.). Even herbs (mint, sage, chives, etc.) are gladly accepted.
... provide cooling in the heat of the day: fill a shallow bowl with water in the shade, sticks or small wooden barks help with the landing.
... create nesting aids for bees and insects.
... buy regionally grown fruits and vegetables
... It is imperative to rinse out the remains of honey jars before disposing of them so as not to spread pathogens.
... abstain from honey and sweeten with alternatives such as agave syrup, maple syrup or turnip greens. The bees themselves need much more than us!
We demand an immediate package of measures to save the (wild -) bees:
- prohibit pesticides
- promote organic vegan agriculture
- reduce monocultures
- create blooming strips
Much is replaceable. Insects not!
Please sign and share the Petition!
Links: bee ecid = sea_google_vs_nonbr_ [nh] -biene- [nt | nb]? _ {b} - + bienensterben_text-ad_1925911903_70208165746 & gclid = Cj0KCQjww47nBRDlARIsAEJ34bmQTIgSGQODVR8WqNB8ulXe-Hn9gk18H8WH4XLxD6vwcz4_8w-D46EaAm8aEALw_wcB
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