Woman-Beating Councilmember Must Go

Just a few days after being elected as a City Councilmember in Grand Junction, CO, Rick Brainard was arrested for beating his girlfriend.  He insists his actions were justified because "she needed to shut her mouth."  He insists, also, that he could not have possibly caused her black eye because he hit her lower down on her face.

Brainard is scheduled to be sworn in as a new City Councilmember on May 6.  He is refusing to step down and has requested an absence from all court appearances because of job-related scheduling conflicts.  The first of such conflicts is a court appearance which conflicts with his swearing in as a Councilmember. 

There are one billion women and girls in the world today who have been victims of gender-related violence such as rapes and beatings.  That's 1 in 3 of us.  We are all diminished when human rights violations occur.  Please show support for all survivors of violence and discrimination by demanding the resignation of Rick Brainard, City Councilmember, Grand Junction, CO. 

Men who beat women deserve no place in public office.  The citizens of Grand Junction, CO, are demanding the immediate resignation of City Councilmember Rick Brainard.  Brainard was recently arrested for beating his girlfriend and has admitted he hit her, pulled her hair, and shoved her.  Please join us in our stand against violence against women by signing our petition and sharing it with other caring people.

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