Ban the Import of All Research Animals

  • by: Animal Advocates
  • recipient: Governor of California, California Department of Fish and Game, San Francisco Recreation and Parks Department

African clawed frogs released from a research laboratory in San Fransisco are now considered an "ivasive species", leaving the California Department of Fish and Game to consider draining Lily Pond at Golden Gate Park leaving the African frog, and every natural species, to slowly suffocate to death and killing the ecosystem of the pond.

While releasing this frog may have been intentional, natural disasters (such as earthquakes) could destroy research facilities, allowing many non-native species into an environment that could potentially destoy entire ecosystems.


We ask California to ban imports of all animals used in research facilities.

California Governor Jerry Brown
State Capitol
1st Fl.
Sacramento, CA 95814
Fax: 916-558-3160
Tel: 916-445-2841
Eric Larson
Environmental Program Manager
California Department of Fish and Game

Phil Ginsburg
General Manager
San Francisco Recreation and Parks Department

African clawed frogs released from a research laboratory in San Fransisco are now considered an "ivasive species", leaving the California Department of Fish and Game to consider draining Lily Pond at Golden Gate Park leaving the African frog, and every natural species, to slowly suffocate to death and killing the ecosystem of the pond.

While releasing this frog may have been intentional, natural disasters (such as earthquakes) could destroy research facilities, allowing many non-native species into an environment that could potentially destoy entire ecosystems.


We ask California to ban imports of all animals used in research facilities.

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