Sign Our Petition to Bring Safe, Good Quality USA Pet Products Manufacturing Back to America

  • by: Gary Remick
  • recipient: Pet Boutiques, Pet Stores, Pet Retail Outlets, Pet Owners USA Made Consumers

Please Sign Our Petition and HELP US Bring MORE USA Jobs and Quality Pet Products Back to America. Pet Product Manufacturing in the USA has disappeared over the last 20 years and moved offshore to China.  Doggie Design is negotiating with Private Investors, the State of California and our local SBA, to raise the Capital required to open a Made in America Pet Products Manufacturing Center in Northern, California, that has the potential of creating hundreds of jobs. We currently manufacturer our Ultra USA Choke Free harness in South Carolina USA, but we want to expand our US manufacturing to include other types of Products.  YOUR Signatures will show the Investors, banks and local governements, that the USA Consumer would buy USA made Products, if it was offered to them, over OFFSHORE Products.

#1 Safety for Pets, by using good quality, non toxic materials and in-process inspections. Design products with the Pets Safety in mind with USA workers.   #2 Bring Back USA Textile Jobs that were Outsourced to China and help Re-build the American Manufacturing Industry, which benefits the whole country.

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