END FOX/COYOTE HUNTING IN New York State and Massachusetts!

Many people don't think of Fox and Coyote hunting as an American problem. It was already banned in England. Packs of dogs are trained down track and chase down a Fox or Coyote, while hunters on horseback follow. If the dogs get to the prey first the defenseless animal is torn limb from limb, suffering an excruciating death, if the hunters on horseback get there first the animal is shot - and they call this a noble sport. Not only are we losing wildlife to this cruel "sport" but breeders of hunting dogs will often abandon or kill hunting dogs that do not perform up to par..my goal is to have this barbaric sport banned one state at a time, there is a cruelty free solution- hunters can use the method of scent dragging- where a person on foot drags a scented cloth through the woods. Everyone can win with this method.

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