Praise Poland for Banning Bee-Killing Pesticide

  • by: Susan Vaughan
  • recipient: Polish People and Ministry of Agriculture

Poland should be proud. It’s the first nation in the world to formally finger Monsanto’s Bt-laced corn as a bee-killer.

And further praise goes to Poland for banning it! This action followed protests by Polish beekeepers who showed the genetically engineered mutant Bt corn was damaging their honeybees - part of  a widespread phenomenon of massive bee deaths, often mislabeled as “Colony Collapse Disorder.”

Organic Consumers Association says it’s believed that Monsanto knew all along its GE pesticides posed a threat to bees. Research done by Beeologics has implicated monoculture farming and pesticides as making bees more susceptible to viruses, and some believe Monsanto’s recent purchase of that research firm is about controlling future “facts” about bee deaths.

Thankfully, Poland is no longer playing Monsanto’s game, and it’s time for the US and the rest of the world to get with Poland‘s program.

Send praise to Poland for banning Monsanto’s Bt corn and saying no to GMO!

We, the undersigned, wish to thank the Polish Ministry of Agriculture and the Polish people for taking this bold stand against GMO corn and pesticides.

Your intelligent and courageous action will not only serve to protect bees, but the rest of wildlife, the environment and humans as well.

We ask the people of Poland to continue to stand behind this decision, and we hope the rest of the world, especially the United States, will follow Poland’s prudent and responsible example.

The sooner, the better.

Poland, thank you so much for this!

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